Our affiliate partners
have so far earned over

PKR 80 Million

in income!

Taking over the real estate market by a
storm, join our affiliate program to become
part of an exclusive group of top earners.

Why should I become an affiliate?

Healthy Commissions

Our unique pricing and business model allows you to earn regular commission on each transaction.

Transparent Model

We make sure your customers are satisfied at all times – you are happy if your customers are happy.

Researched Projects

The projects on our platform are well researched, thoroughly data backed and verified for investing purposes.

High Investment Returns

Our scientific project pricing model ensures you can earn commissions but your customers earn even higher returns.

Frequent Workshops

We deliver regular workshops to keep you updated with the market, trends and opportunities to earn more.

DAOPropTech.com Ecosystem

As an affiliate, you will be a key component of our growing ecosystem with exclusive perks and privileges.

daoproptech.com is using the power of technology and data to solve for the inherent challenges

Featured in Forbes

Complete digital platform

1 M+ sq. ft. for sale

76k+ platform users


Extensive sales guide

Who can become an affiliate?

Anyone can become an affiliate with us, whether you’re a seasoned real estate broker or just looking to earn extra income on the side.

icon-1Existing realtors
icon-2 Change-seeking like-minded people and influencers
icon-2Budding & existing entrepreneurs

How do I register?

The simple 3-step registration process involves three easy steps: open the form, enter your details, and schedule your demo session for a personalized experience. This quick and user-friendly process ensures a seamless onboarding experience.

icon-2Enter your details and apply for signup
icon-2On validation, kick off by getting your
demo session scheduled

Frequently Asked Quesitons

How is this model different from referrals?

The affiliates are offered much higher commission rates with targets as compared to referrals. Furthermore, referrals are usually leads submitted by existing or new investors or friends.

What marketing assistance will be provided?

At daoproptech.com, we are keen on educating and raising awareness for our mission. We continuously run promotional campaigns. In addition, we offer branding and merchandising opportunities to affiliates.

Can I become an affiliate for a specific few projects?

You can become an affiliate for as many and as less projects as you like.

How will I maintain my clients' confidentiality?

You will have exclusive access to the CRM where you will be able to manage your clients. The CRM smoothly integrates with our platform ensuring you are always up to date on your clients whilst maintaining their confidentiality.

What happens in the case of a conflict?

We rely on the latest technologies and a data-driven approach to address any and all conflicts to ensure that such matters are solved timely and effectively.

Can I manage my own team by being an affiliate?

Yes. Our platform allows affiliates to add their own team members.

What is the legal documentation?

Legal documents are required to complete the registration process.

Why is commission different for different projects?

Every project is priced differently and serves a specific need or purpose. The commission structure fairly reflects the type of the project and the investment criteria.

What’s the wait?

Start earning differently today!

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